19. 01. 21
posted by: Super User
Hits: 4383

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam malesuada, felis nec facilisis vestibulum, erat tortor vestibulum justo, quis fringilla quam eros non eros. Donec sem mi, pellentesque in ultricies a, viverra sed ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis nulla vel eros dictum egestas sit amet id nisl. Duis eros risus, scelerisque eget gravida vitae, mattis a nisl. Etiam fermentum convallis diam sit amet euismod.In facilisis porta dui, sit amet scelerisque elit eleifend vel. Curabitur eget tortor in sapien tincidunt auctor.

Read More: Business Analytics Team
21. 06. 05
posted by: Super User
Hits: 3678

Safely screen employees or visitors wearing masks for high temperatures as they walk into buildings or defined areas with Access Control Turnstiles with Facial Recognition Biometrics, an indoor speed gate series for convenient contactless access control which features a modular reader panel design.


  • Mask and temperature detection, with facial & palm recognition
  • 0.3s high speed visible light technology facial recognition
  • Tempertaure measurement range 34°C~45°C
  • Standalone versions available
  • Bi-directional operation control Led passage indicator in both directions






21. 06. 06
posted by: Super User
Hits: 3641

Guest Room Management System (GRMS) from Automation Technology is designed to ensure an exemplary and gratifying experience for your guests. Our intelligent solutions are based on interactive technology that compliments the exceptional experience you want for your guests.

Intelligent Hotel Room Features

Lighting Control

With devices that offer lighting and dim control, you can increase the comfort and convenience of the guest experience at the desired light level.

With the RGB led switches , you can adjust the illumination of the icons on the device to the desired color and intensity, and create a stylish look in the room.

HVAC Control

Keeping a room with the right temperature contributes to comfort needs. It is also important for energy management.



The integrated request buttons for “Make up Room” and” Do not Disturb” make it possible to display the status of each room, allowing you to optimize the scheduling of the cleaning staff.

Beside occupancy and laundary indication LEDs, product also includes a doorbell button to announce visitors in a kindly way.

Integration with Door Lock Systems

It provides the integration of all physical security needs into an energy efficient and easy to manage system.



19. 01. 21
posted by: Super User
Hits: 6138

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam malesuada, felis nec facilisis vestibulum, erat tortor vestibulum justo, quis fringilla quam eros non eros. Donec sem mi, pellentesque in ultricies a, viverra sed ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis nulla vel eros dictum egestas sit amet id nisl. Duis eros risus, scelerisque eget gravida vitae, mattis a nisl. Etiam fermentum convallis diam sit amet euismod. Proin euismod tortor ac tellus congue scelerisque pretium enim volutpat. Sed ut eros ac diam dapibus commodo. Cras non dolor sit amet erat condimentum semper vitae eu augue. Nunc id leo elit, vitae varius orci. Sed pretium blandit suscipit. Phasellus tempus elementum lacinia. Curabitur ac molestie nunc. Proin aliquam adipiscing quam eget auctor. In facilisis porta dui, sit amet scelerisque elit eleifend vel. Curabitur eget tortor in sapien tincidunt auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer et ante arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut in velit est. Integer commodo sapien at metus fermentum sagittis. Duis pretium urna sit amet libero elementum non rutrum nulla pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur dolor massa. Donec ac est ut mauris molestie mattis non non sapien.

Read More: Customer Planning Team
21. 06. 02
posted by: Super User
Hits: 3353

Hospital Management System provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration, control, superior patient care, strict cost control and improved profitability. HMS is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals. More importantly it is backed by reliable and dependable support. The project ‘Hospital Management System’ is based on the database, object oriented and networking techniques. As there are many areas where we keep the records in database for which we are using MY SQL software which is one of the best and the easiest software to keep our information.


Hospital Management System is custom built to meet the specific requirement of the mid and large size hospitals across the globe. All the required modules and features have been particularly built to just fit in to your requirement.

Entire application is web based and built on 3 tier architecture using the latest technologies. The software is highly customizable and can be modified as per the needs and requirements of our clients. It covers all the required modules right from Patient Registration, Medicine details, Doctor, Wards, , Admin, Store, Patient appointment, bill payment, record modification, discharge details etc. Human Body is a very complex and sophisticated structure and comprises of millions of functions.

Problem Statement Since Hospital is associated with the lives of common people and their day-to-day routines so we decided to work on this project. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. The purpose of this project is to automate or make online, the process of day to-day activities like Room activities; Admission of New Patient, Discharge of Patient, Assign a Doctor, and finally compute the bill etc. We have tried our best to make the complicated process Hospital Management System as simple as possible using Structured Modular technique Menu oriented interface. The design the software in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this package further expansion is possible without much effort.







